Tree of Hope
Purchase an ornament today, that will aide in providing information and awareness about child abuse. 100% of these proceeds will be given to the CFAC to assist with needs for children in Benton County. As a sponsor you will receive your own decorative ornament with your name and the CFAC. “Decorate the Tree” reception will be held at our Bentonville locations where all donors are invited, along with the CFAC members, to place your ornament on the tree. (You can pick up your ornament the week of Christmas or later.)
- Corporate Ornament $1000 – social media recognition, company name on ornament hung on the tree, and listed on a sign next to the tree
- limited to only 15 ornaments
includes 3% convenience fee
- Individual Ornament $100 – ornaments with individuals name hung on the tree and listed on a sign next to the tree
- limited to only 100 ornaments
includes 3% convenience fee
- Family Ornament $200 – ornament with family name hung on the tree and listed on a sign next to the tree
- limited to only 100 ornaments
includes 3% convenience fee